Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Finding Our Way Home - Charlene Ann Baumbich

What a great love story.

When I say love story, I don't just mean romantic love, although there is certainly a wonderful romantic love story in this book. The best part, is there is not just one. It is a love story of the love and a pride a mother feels for her daughter, a love that lifts her up and carries her through hard times and gives her the wings to fly and become a world famous ballet dancer.

It is a love story of a married couple whose marriage is forever altered after a terrible accident, forever altered, but not over. Their story is a story of faith, commitment and the hurdle that seemed perhaps insurmountable but when handled with love and prayer, wasn't.

It is a love story of young lovers who found something in each other that they were missing, who were able to see each other as they were and eventually realized that the feeling of love often doesn't fix everything. And that even when it is for the best, the end of a relationship is so very painful.

It is a love story of a family that acts as an umbrella when the storms come, a safe haven, even when someone is doing their best to push away. It is learning that you can grow up but the comfort of your parents and grandparents arms and unconditional love will be there waiting whenever you need it.

It is a love story of friendship. It is the story of feeling so broken and unlikable and then suddenly realizing that someone you never expected is there by your side, walking along a dark path with you, sharing their light.

It is also a love story of self, learning to stand on your own two feet while looking to heaven to keep you balanced.

I really loved this book, I think you will too! Click here and happy reading.

**I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review, by WaterBrook Press. My opinions about this book are totally my own.**

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lazarus Awakening - Joanna Weaver

Books have played a huge part in my life; because of this I treat them reverently. It is difficult for me to even highlight in a textbook so most of the time I painstakingly rewrite whatever material I want to remember into a notebook. A notebook that always gets lost in the shuffle after the course ends.

When I received the book I was a little worried because I have not read Joanna’s previous book Having a Mary heart in a Martha World, and I thought I would miss something. I was wrong, so, so wrong. From the start I was hooked, and immediately had to smile and thank God for once again, sending me what I needed because I am often too stubborn to do the work on my own.
The book tells the story of Jesus and Lazarus, a story of love and friendship, faith and strength. It also tells the story of our importance, how much God loves us and why we are so important to Him.

What hooked me in the first chapter? It was actually in the second paragraph of the first chapter. Joanna tells the story of a woman who asked to speak to her after Bible study, the woman says “ I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I could go to the worst criminal or a drug addict living on the street, and I could look him in the eye and tell him “Jesus loves you!” and meant it from the bottom of my heart” “But, Joanna, she said, I can’t seem to look in the mirror and convince myself.”

That brief conversation brought me to tears, because I could be the person talking to her, and I am sure that there are a lot of other people who feel the same way.

The book includes a 10-week study guide and TONS of information that is so incredibly useful. I was not out of the first chapter before I went to find a highlighter to mark what I felt was important and what I needed to work on. I was highlighting like crazy and then it dawned on me, WHAT was I doing?!?! I was marking up a book, and in doing so I was feeling such a huge sense of peace, this is not information that is going in a notebook to be lost. I can refer to this information any time that I need to do so, and for that I am thankful.

Don't miss out, grab a highlighter, click here and happy reading!

I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah press in exchange for this review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.