Thursday, January 19, 2012

Man Alive by Patrick Morley

I am going to be totally honest, I choose this book to review because it was the only one I could get in print.

I also know that God works in mysterious ways, and that this is actually the book I was meant to read. As a divorced woman I have had my share of bad relationships with the wrong men and I have been wondering lately if maybe I am just meant to be alone because maybe, there really are no more “good” men left. As a mom raising boys, I want more than anything to raise good men but I often feel like the odds are stacked against me, and them.

The media and society bombard us daily with images and idea’s of what a “good” man looks like, what a man wants, and needs and often those ideals are not in line with what I want or need.

This book is written by a man, not just for men, but to men. I felt sort of like I was doing something sneaky by reading it, that the information within was not for my knowledge, which of course made me even more curious!

I was hooked from the beginning “Over the last four decades, I’ve met one-on-one with thousands of men. Most of them know that Jesus promised a “rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10). But most men are confused about what this looks lie. In fact, I’d estimate that 90% of Christian men lead lukewarm, stagnant, defeated lives – and they hate it.”

Then, he shared some interesting statistics:
80% of men are so emotionally impaired that not only are they unable to express their feelings, but they are unable to identify their feelings.
55% percent of marriages experience financial dishonesty and it's usually the husband.
50% of men who attend church actively seek out pornography.
40% of men get divorced, affecting one million children each year.
1/3 of America's 72 million children will go to bed in a home without their biological dad. My children are included in that statistic.

And then: "the greatest cost to the physical absence of father's is the practical absence of mother. Essentially, one person must now do the work of two..."

Wow. If that is not powerful, not sure what is. Another thing Patrick Morley pointed out was that “these inner aches and pains correspond to seven primal God-given needs that all men feel deeply”

I realized while reading this that there ARE still good men out there, maybe the problem is I have been looking based on the media’s interpretation of a good man, and not God’s. Patrick states that his first book The Man in the Mirror has helped well over 3,000,000 take a deeper look at their lives. Not to shabby! So, yes, there are good men out there and this book helps all men realize their potential and gives direction on how to lead a fully alive life, which is really all we want both women and men.

I recommend this book for both men and women! Click here and happy reading!

I was given a free copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, my opinion is totally my own.